The National Lottery has just relaunched its small grants programme, Awards for All - up to £10,000 to support local community inititiaves and projects (subject to certain criteria);
and its those revised criteria that have caught my attention - as part of the eligiblity criteria that applying groups have to meet is their organisational form, and these are listed as including incorporated charities, not-for-profit companies (or companies limited by gurantee), co-operatives and Industrial and Provident Societies!
As these forms are extremely prevelant amongst social enterprises, should we take this opportnity to further and better impact upon our communities' needs, or should we instead return to philosophical arguments about how right it is to accept grants when we seek to trade as an enterprise?
I for one take the view that as lots of private, for profit compaines regularly benefit from grant support, then we should too where we can (and where's its appropriate - it may not always be...)
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