I've recently been named as one of the first businesses in the UK economy to be recognised under the Government’s flagship Fair Payment Code - a new standard that aims to challenge practices of late payment, which see small businesses currently losing nearly £2bn each year that they could otherwise be investing for growth, new job creation, etc[1].
And to make this recognition it even more special, I'm not only the only sole trader/freelancer to make the list, but I've also been given the gold-level badge, too!
Given that the code awards businesses against three levels (bronze, silver, and gold), and I'm tiny compared to all the others recognised by it, it's probably safe to say that there's some red faces amongst them - if I can achieve this top level standard ahead of them, without the resources of their finance departments, access to lines of credit, etc, then what’s stopping them from doing the same?
I've always aimed to pay all invoices I receive within 24 hours – not just because I know how important it is to me as a micro enterprise to be paid promptly, but also because late payment practices force too many businesses to be wound up before their time. In turn, this means their plans to continue to grow our wider shared economy are lost; and people’s livelihoods are destroyed, forcing more families into poverty. And I can’t sleep with my conscience if I’m not doing all I can to avoid contributing to this problem.
In the past, my payment practices have been recognised by the Organisation of Responsible Business, the Good Business Charter, the previous Prompt Payment Code, and my being a registered Pay On Time supporter. This latest recognition highlights not just my own professional standards and commitments to fellow businesses of all types, but also the importance of micro enterprises and the self-employed like me, who are quietly and collectively working to strengthen our wider economy for the benefit of us all.
For more about the new Fair Payment Code -https://www.smallbusinesscommissioner.gov.uk/new-fair-payment-code/